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Hey there, Oxdarock here!

EDIT: Less than 20 hours left! Please vote if you haven't already! 

I was wondering if people would be interested in suggesting the 18 characters I use for voting polls once in a while. However, there would be two conditions:

1. They'd have to be from the list of characters I have an interest in drawing (which can be found here). Obviously, this is so I'm motivated by who I'm drawing.  Additionally, characters that I've made fusions for can also be suggested (you can find them via the fusion tag on my Patreon. 

2. Excluding Symphogear characters, only characters that I have not drawn for Patron Picks can be suggested. I might make certain exceptions for characters I'm particularly fond of (which you can ask me about), but this is, of course, to avoid certain mainstream characters from being suggested over and over. 

If there isn't much of an interest, then it's whatever, but I thought I'd ask. Once again, the question I'm asking is:

Should I let Patrons suggest characters for Patron Picks once in a while?

This poll will be super short and will end on October 26th at 11AM EST


Christopher Chichester

I think that the moritorium on picks could be brought back, but with the restricion they could only be used once every 2 cycles (a cycle being 3 months plus the revenge of suggestions on the 4th one)


I disagree for several reasons: -One, I'd only do this on a four month cycle, so that restriction period would have to at least be a year. -Two, once a character comes off restriction, someone will suggest them immediately, and there are some characters that absolutely floor the suggestions and voting, which I hate seeing. -And three, just cause that restriction exists for this type of poll doesn't mean I won't suggest such characters myself on other polls (or just draw them outright on my own time).

Christopher Chichester

Fair enough. admittedly, there are a bunch of characters i'd want to come back at some point if they didn't get voted. so the suggestion thing would be about 1 per 4 months? makes sense then.

Christopher Chichester

Any chance you'll update those lists, like with XC3 characters or new ones you enjoy? I also noticed Astolfo as a girl in both the Interest and Waifu tier lists. not trying to be pushy in any way, just curious.


I will, it just hadn't occurred to me to do so. Or rather, there haven't been any characters I've thought to put on the list. Eunie in the Interest tier, maybe, but aside from that, *shrugs* Also, I'll make a note to fix the Astolfo bit.