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Hey there, Oxdarock here!

Thanks everyone for another great month! I have to stress that as a lot of new people joined last month, and a few even upgraded their tiers! Guess the power of Megumin is really strong, huh? Lol! But again, thank you everyone! The end of May/beginning of June threw me off, but I'm ready to continue working! (Sorta)

So, the plan for this month is, along with the usual Patron Pick poll, to start finishing and updating comic pages. That said, they'll be pretty spaced out, as I'm not trying to kill myself to finish them, plus I have things in-between I'd like to draw, along with other RL distractions (like gacha and MonHun). Though small, the goal is to at least be able to finish and post 2-4 comic pages a month. Then, once I've completed a decent number, I'll be able to update that number (though I don't expect that to happen any time soon). 

That said, while I'll post them as they're completed, I won't be posting any pages for the $2 tier until I've finished an entire chapter, so those of you on that tier will have to wait a while, to say nothing of new, future patrons. 

Another thing that I'd like to let people know of in advance is that I'll be posting the sketches for comic pages a little differently than other pictures. Not only will they be available only for the $5 tier and above, I'll be posting and updating them via a single post as attachments. 

It's a bit of a bother, probably enough to put off people from viewing them at all, but to be honest, it's really a formality. In my opinion, there's a big difference between viewing the sketch of a single illustration (or growth sequence), compared to an actual comic and I'm very particular about spoilers. So if you're dying to see them before they're done, they will be available, for current and future patrons as well. 

Anyway, that's all I have planned for this month. I'll update the tiers later and the Patron Pick Suggestion period will begin shortly, so stay tuned!

That's all for now!


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