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Hey there! Oxdarock here!

Now that the third Snapzine covering the Rub-Rub Roulette is done, I believe I'm ready to change my campaign to "pay-per-post" soon. As the title indicates, I believe that changing it on August 10th should be good. I'll make another post on the details of what I intend to do next project-wise, but I wanted to let everyone know the most important parts of the change: the max number of paid posts per month and the tier rewards. 

I will have a maximum four paid posts per month. Each post will be at least three comic pages or four illustrations. Any voting polls I may have will usually be for the Lusty Lamp (be they pin-ups, illustrations, etc). 

$0.50  tier:

-Thank you! Every bit helps!

$1.25 tier: 

-Early access to public works.
-Access to WIPs.
-A copy of the completed version of my next store item once it's finished (must have paid for at least 4 posts).
-Able to vote for characters to appear in the next Lusty Lamp

$2.50 tier
-All the rewards of previous tiers.
-A copy of the completed version of my next store item once it's finished (must have paid for at least 2 posts).
-Able to vote and suggest characters to appear in the next Lusty Lamp  (Only characters from games, anime, cartoons, etc. One suggestion per patron. Patrons can switch suggestions as they please before the voting begins).

$5 tier
-All the rewards of previous tiers.
-A copy of the completed version of my next store item once it's finished.
-Able to vote and suggest a character to appear in the next Lusty Lamp that will count for two voting polls, one for all tiers and one for the $5 tier and above. (Can be characters from games, anime, or cartoon, etc, as well as original characters (OCs). Characters must have references. One suggestion per patron. Patrons can switch suggestions as they please before the voting begins).

$10 tier
-All the rewards of previous tiers.
-Able to vote and suggest characters to appear in the next Lusty Lamp  that will count for two voting polls, one for all tiers and one for the $5 tier and above. (Can be characters from games, anime, or cartoon, etc, as well as original characters. Two suggestions per patron. OC's must have references. Patrons can switch suggestions as they please before the voting begins).
-I will choose at least one patron's suggested character from this tier for the next Lusty Lamp.
-Name will be on a special "Thank You" page in each of my store items.

I don't have any idea what to do for milestone goals, but these are honestly more important. I'll be making more reminder notices the closer we get to August 10th.

That's all for now!


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