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Hey there! Oxdarock here!

Hope everyone enjoyed the recent Snapzine release (if you bought it anyway). So, now that that's done, I can get started on exploring more of the Lusty Lamp! However, due to recent developments that I can't get into too much detail about, I'm gonna have to speed things up, so no "pay-what-you-want" pack. ^^;

Other than getting to see finished pages of my works super early, my Patreon is mostly about letting those who support me involve themselves with the Lusty Lamp, which is something I've always wanted. Of course, that's not gonna happen if I keep everything about the Lusty Lamp behind closed doors. I have an idea of how to go about explaining certain concepts about the Lusty Lamp, but basically I'm thinking that posting those publicly should help pique interest. What will be Patreon-exclusive (then eventually store exclusive) are the pictures of characters showcasing how certain features work. So during the exploration of the Lusty Lamp, I'm gonna be relying a lot on patron input. How much input I'm not entirely sure, but with the way I intend to set up my Patreon from here on, it'll have at least three characters each time I ask. 

That said, I'll be changing my Patreon campaign to "pay-per-post" sometime soon (within a month of so). When I do, I'm gonna spam the heck out of it so that people know to switch their pledge levels.

That's all for now!


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