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*Reads from right to left.*

And that's it! My first ever comic that I put up for sale on the OxShop! Even though the art isn't as good as what I can make now, no matter how many times I read it again, it brings a smile to my face. I definitely put a lot of heart into this and you can feel it from start to finish, especially given how many pages I drew in order to tell the story and depict the transformation scenes. That isn't to say that I don't do the same today, but your first usually holds a special meaning, y'know?

Also, big shout out to Likalmor, who commissioned me to make this. You heard right. This originally started out as a commission idea. However, at some point during the planning phase, we agreed to halving the price in exchange for giving me more free reign on the story (which is why it ended up being 32 pages) and allowing me to sell it. I honestly don't know if I made back how much effort was put into it, but it's so special to me and was such a boost to my confidence that I really couldn't care less at this point. 

Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed the comic! There's still two chapters that I finished in the past, so look forward to the next one!

And of course, even though you can find all the comics here on Patreon, to see the whole comic in a convenient PDF format, you can purchase it here on the OxShop!




I... can't recall another time when I've seen that succubus. I'm probably just gassing a brainfart, but it feels like I haven't seen her much.


I mean, this comic was the only time I've drawn her. Haven't drawn her much since.