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Hey there! Oxdarock here!

Sorry for the late update! Been pretty busy lately. With what, you ask? The next Snapzine issue of course! And just recently I finished drawing the last model page! With that done, it won't be long before it's all done! 

So a few things for what's next. As I've said before, I'll soon be changing my Patreon campaign to "pay-per-post" as I feel that it better fits what I'm trying to do. For a more info on what I plan to do, visit the original post from the link below.


The thing that I want to focus on for the coming months is introducing more and more of the setting of the Lusty Lamp Resort. That said, after I release the next Snapzine issue, I'll be working on a "pay-what-you-want" pack that gives a brief overview of the resort, it's staff, as well as some images of the setting itself. After that, most of my time will go into the specific peculiarities of the resort (such as how the entrances and elevators work, etc, like how I started the Lusty Lamp). This will be done using several pictures to explain the concept as well as extra examples of random characters going through the same thing as well. It's a bit tricky for me to explain, but after I do it once, I believe people will get the gist of it. That said, a lot of the extra characters will be picked via a patron poll. I've further explained how the voting works in a previous post, but to sum things up, I'll be using at least 3 patron picked characters at a time. Characters are to be suggested by patrons before the voting begins. Unless you're of a certain tier, the only characters that can be picked are from existing series (if you've kept up with the Lusty Lamp so far, you get what I meant). 

Anyway, I'll be making several announcement posts before the campaign switch, will happen as soon as I release the "pay-what-you-want" pack (if it's too close to the end of the month, I'll release it the beginning of the next month). Once that's done, I want to get right into working on the pages for the pack after that. So...

I would like patrons to leave suggestions for the characters to appear in subsequent Lusty Lamp packs. After I get enough suggestions, I'll post the poll on my public art pages/blogs, which I expect will result in a large voter turnout. Since this is the only public poll I'm going to do, I'm going to allow two character suggestions per patron. The voting will start the day after I release the third Snapzine pack, which will be Saturday, July 16th. Until then, leave your suggestions in the comments or message me the ones you'd like. 

Aside from that, I wanted to say thanks again for everyone who've supported me this past month. Even though it's nothing but a tip jar right now, just the fact that people are willing to through money at my art means a lot. Thank again guys. 



Two character suggestions, so I'll suggest, hm... that's a tough one. I'll throw out Shikijo from Mahoromatic and the Teacher from Eiken. Heh, if I had three choices I'd put in Mitsuka from DearS and just make it a triple-teacher suggestion!

Alex James

I completely understand your decisions, Ox. I hope these changes work out! For my two suggestions, I'm going a bit obscure . Aika and Fina from Skies of Arcadia. From where they're not very well known I know they likely w o n't make it in. Still. Putting the thought in!


i'll try to support you anyway, you're the best. anyway i would love to see (again xD) Nami (one piece - post timewkip) and Lucy (fairy tail). would love to see them in a gts growth :D with shoe-boots ripping