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Hey there, Oxdarock here!

This is gonna come off as a downer for some (or a lot) of people, but I'm gonna need to postpone work on the Patron Pick winners for a while. Currently, just about everything on my "To-Do" list (i.e. Patron Picks and Commissions) looks like a list of chores to me. Were I to force myself to work on them, I'd have the mindset of me working on something, but really wanting to work on something else. Pretty sure no one wants me to feel like that while I'm working on stuff, especially if the picture in question is that person's particular commission/request.

So yeah. I need some time to just draw what I want for myself. Not sure how long it will be, though the worse case is that I might have to drop the Patron Pick poll for September. Fingers crossed, but those of you in the suggestion tiers should expect that to happen. 

That said, I'll still be posting stuff this month. Just stuff for me and not anyone else. Hope you enjoy it!

That's all for now!



Don't worry, everyone needs to take breaks for their own desires, I'm looking forward to see what you will draw ! 😁

Christopher Chichester

Indeed, you feel free to take a break. I'm assuming that's why only one winner from the poll this time, so rest well


No, there's two. I just don't reveal my personal pick until sketches are done. And there was at least one that mildly caught my interest.