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Today's post features Lisbeth and Asuna from Sword Art Online! ...That is Asuna, right? I don't know, something just seems... off about her. Is it some kind of new status effect or something? And how did it affect Lisbeth? So many questions with only one answer! ...Probably that perverted rock again...

I'll be sending a link of the full version to my patrons shortly. If you'd like to see this and aren't a part of my Patreon, join the $5 tier (or above) before the end of the month and I'll send you a link as soon as possible. Or you can wait a really long time for it to appear in my online store, the OxShop!

Also, be sure to check out the commentary and leave a comment telling me what you think!




So, link please?So, link please?


Sorry, but I don't send links to this post anymore. However, you can see it by purchasing Patron Picks Book 4 from my online store, the OxShop! https://oxrockblock.com/art-gallery/patreon-preview-archive/patreon-previews-patron-picks-book-4/