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Ok guys, some bad news bout to drop.

Like the title says, I'll be closing down this Patreon soon. I'm pretty sure many of you saw this coming with how I've been desperately trying to make this work for me as of late, but in the end, it isn't. It's pretty much stagnated for the longest time and it's been a bit of stressful on me. I'll go ahead and admit that a part of this is due to the sudden realization of where I really stand on the popularity food chain (as far as the community I'm involved in goes). Going by my watcher count on Deviant Art, I thought I could actually do well on Patreon, but that was far from the case. Even worse, and this was the bigger reason, was the hole in Patreon's charging system, which allowed for the so called "dine n dashers". Let me tell you that while not getting a lot of patrons can be depressing, getting an email saying that someone pledges to you only to see that person disappear a few minutes later after they've taken everything from your gallery is a lot worse (I had to turn off that notification feature because of it). Thought of salvaging it with the pay per post campaign, which has the option of making free posts as well, but that has similar payment flaws. So yeah, this isn't really working out for me. ^^;

So at the end of this month, I'm going to close up my Patreon. I'll still post stuff up until that point to give people their money's worth, but this'll be the last month. I truly thank all of you who've supported me this entire time and hope the continue putting out more work for you to enjoy in the future.

Best regards,




Dangit, this is really saddening, but I do have to say I kind of saw it coming. Still hurts to see though. I'm sorry it didn't work out, Ox.


T_T sad to see you go i liked this patreon hehe ididnt disappear i would of been a loyal customer sad to see you go i was being thr cheater for comics but still liked supporting one if my favorite artists

Alex James

I'm sorry to hear that... This was definitely one of my favorites. Regardless I hope things get better for you....