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Hey there, Oxdarock here!

Just wanted to let everyone know that my Patreon tiers have been updated. I actually had to remake the tiers entirely, so everyone has now been put on the "No Benefit" status (Sorry about that ^^; ). Please be sure to update your pledge to the appropriate tier.  I'll try to doggedly let people know about this for the first couple of months when I make posts, but please do this ASAP. If you don't receive any dropbox links in the future, it's probably because you're currently listed as a "No Benefit" status patron.

As for the archive links, I actually sent them out to all of my current patrons three hours prior to the switch, so check your inbox for it. I'll still send out links for any particular months if someone requests for it, but once January 11th comes around, pretty much everything that's been on my Patreon in 2019 will have been put on my online store, the OxShop. 

Lastly, I'm currently in the process of editing the description of my Patreon front page, as well as the "High-End" list, so stay tuned for that.

That's all for now!

Edit: Ok, so my fears actually came through and Patreon is charging current patrons when they make the switch. However, I can immediately offer refunds and will be doing so at the beginning and end of the day until the end of the month (I've also take screenshots, so I know whose a current patron). The refund will take at least 5-7 days to go through though. Really sorry for the inconvenience! ^^;



Is there a way to get all months? Cause the highest tier only says up to six months


I will decide what tier I want to be at soon. Likely grand


No. Even before the switch, there was never a tier that gave links for all the months of stuff I'd posted on Patreon. The archive link that I sent out earlier did contain content from April, but I never gave out anything earlier than that.


Whatever works for your, I appreciate the support. Most likely won't make a post for a week or so, but the suggestion period for the voting poll will start up later today.