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Hey there, Oxdarock here!

So, the last post of the year for my Patreon went up yesterday. It was also the last paid post I'll be making as I'll be switching to a monthly, charge upfront model on January 3rd, 2020. I'll be sending archive links that day as well. As for the changes, everything is pretty much the same as this post, however I'll most likely cut the number of months for the archive links of the $15 and $20 tier by half (I've been unsure about how to approach this, so there's a bit of misinformation on this in some of the recent paid post notices). Be sure to adjust your pledge to the appropriate tier once the change occurs. Current patrons won't be charged for editing their pledge in January, however they will be charged after that. 

Now for the important part: regarding the current High End Request list. Since I'll be increasing the entry amount to $240, anyone currently on the HE list but below this will be removed once the switch occurs. However, I will still keep their suggestions in the list even after the switch. So if your name is on this list, but you don't have a suggestion on this list, please be sure to do so before January 3rd, 2020. 

That's pretty much it for now. Happy New Year everybody!



I will be sure to put in a request!


If I’m at the $5 tier will I still get the archive links?

Emmitt Cleveland

So do I suggest here or somewhere else?