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Hey there! Oxdarock here!

How's everyone doing? Hope you've all been well. I've been wondering this for some time now, but I was wondering what you good people have thought of my Patreon recently? As of late I've been uploading a lot of stuff pretty often, with comic sketches updated daily (or in a batch equal to the number of days I've missed due to laziness ^^; ). That along with the early previews and monthly polls, I just wanted to know if I've been doing a good job or not from the good people who have been supporting me all this time.

I'm sure many of you have noticed this and I'm quite embarrassed about it myself, but my Patreon seems to go through changes frequently. Even before starting up a Patreon I was pretty unsure of how to go about it and still am to this day. Mainly I'm just trying to make my pledge tiers more appealing for people to want to join in. 

That said, this month I was thinking of letting patrons in the $2 tier take part in the monthly theme pin-ups polls this month. It's been going well, though honestly it'd be nice to see more participation. I feel that letting more people vote might help, so I'll be opening it up more this month. I'm also going to change up the description a bit regarding finished comic pages. I'm also trying to add something to the $50 tier. As it stands, I don't really believe that I've done quite enough for that tier. I've been wanting to do something along the lines of character reference sheets, but I still need to think about it. 

So yeah, a lot of experimenting going on. At this point I still don't know what else to do with the milestone goals, so I hope that people really like these monthly voting polls. ^^; 

The thing that I'm heavily experimenting with right now are request streams. Those of you who talk with me frequently will know that I have a complicated view of requests streams and the people/drama it can bring. I'm writing out a rule sheet for it, but for now I'm thinking of holding one at least once a month if I'm comfortable with it. It won't be scheduled though, and the only place I'll actually announce if it's a request stream is here on Patreon (everywhere else will have a normal announcement). There will be a slight perk in it for patrons of the $5 tier, so that's something to look forward to hopefully.

Bah, this was a lot of rambling, so to sum things up: 

1. I'd like to know what people think of my Patreon so far.

2. I'm still experimenting with stuff.

3. I'm experimenting with request streams because they make me really nervous right now.

Okay, that about wraps up this announcement. That's all for now~



I totally understand being nervous about request streams because that's stressful as heck. Would definitely help I think if you made sure to limit it to Patrons only. I'm happy with the amount of content so far, especially the monthly character slots.