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Hey there! Oxdarock here! It's time to start the second round of this month's voting poll! As for the theme for this month, it looks like we have another tie on our hands! The winners of the first round were: Butt Expansion Age Progression Alright then! Let's get this tiebreaker underway! To vote for this month's theme, click on this link: http://www.easypolls.net/poll.html?p=5571f1bee4b045ff871d3622 While that's going down, let's get started with this month's character pick, shall we? Seeing as Evangeline was picked last time, she'll now be unavailable for the next 3 months. However, since Rin and Miyuki were both personal picks of mine, they'll still be available as choices. There's also something I'd like to bring up concerning this round. While I want to start the character choice poll to keep things moving, should age progression come out on top as this month's theme, I'll have to restart the character poll. The reason for this is because the character pool for age progression is significantly smaller than the normal choices, mainly due to the fact that the only characters affected are younger characters with underdeveloped bodies. Just something that I thought I should point out. Anyway, let's get the character poll started! To pick a series, visit this link: http://www.easypolls.net/poll.html?p=5571f15ae4b045ff871d3618


Quick poll



I was actually thinking that if Age Progression won and a regular-aged character was chosen, it would be neat to see her even older, giving her a mature milf-y vibe. But, I guess you've got a good point.