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Hey there, Oxdarock here!

Thanks everybody for another month of support here on Patreon! Just wanted to give people a heads up on my plans moving forward. I’ll be going over upcoming content, changes to Patreon, and monthly requests, so try to hang in there till the end! Also, for those planning to un-sub, please be sure to wait till after the 6th of the month so that you still receive archive links. I won’t making any paid post before then, so you won’t be charged!

First off, I’d like to remind everyone that I’ll be removing the $1 tier on June 7th. If you’d like to continue pledging the same amount ($5 or under) after that, please be sure to join a higher tier and make use of the “monthly pledge limit” option. To join another tier, simply scroll down the right of my Patreon page until you see the tier you want and click the “join” button, which will then send you to the payment options. Please be aware that once the removal happens, while I’ll still send out links to paid posts, I will not be sending reward links to patrons not in a tier after June. I will send out messages to patrons in the $1 tier regarding the upcoming change later.

Next, with the completion of the latest comic, I’ll be releasing the next Snapzine issue on April 13th. I’ll be sending out free issues to my patrons once it’s released and at the beginning of May. After that, future updates of the archives will no longer include content from the pack. That said, I’m in a bit of a bind regarding the next comic as I have yet to even work on the panel layout or script. So it seems I won’t be updating my Patreon with any comics for the next month or so while I work on those. I will still be posting various illustrations however, so patrons should still have something to look forward to. Truthfully, even though I’d like to stick with comic pages as paid posts, it’s getting really hard to do so with everything else I’m doing. 

Now, regarding monthly requests. Starting this month, I will be asking for request ideas from patrons of the $2 tier and above, after which I will hold a voting poll to see which I’ll be drawing. The requests will be done in full color and can feature up to two characters (three heads for conjoinment). I’m going to try and stick with pictures that have a simple background rather than stick it into the Lusty Lamp somehow (unless a request actually mentions it). I will not be saving this list, so if you want to re-enter a request that doesn’t win, please be sure to do so when I ask for new ones. I’m also going to shamelessly put it out there that requesting a Snapbacks picture to be drawn from the available list of characters is a perfectly valid request. Just sayin…

There’s also something I’d like to try out starting this month as well. I will be taking requests from patrons who’ve pledged over $100 and will pick one to draw each month. Patrons over $100 can make one request while those over $200 can make at least two. Requests will be in full color and can be up to three characters (four heads for conjoinment). Just like request polls, I’m going to stick with simple backgrounds unless the request calls for a detailed one (bonus points for anyone who asks to fit theirs in the Lusty Lamp though). I will be saving this list and requests can be changed at any time. They can also be the same as those used in the monthly voting poll, however I won’t re-enter them unless requested to. Hopefully this goes well and if it does, I might consider adding more options in the future. I’ll contact those who can make requests for this later. 

On a final note, as my motivation to post anything for free is pretty much nonexistent (literally the only reasons I can think to do so would be for art trades or advertisement reasons), I’ll be releasing requests in a pack on my online store once I’ve gathered enough of them. If anyone has any questions on what can be requested, how they work, etc, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I’ll be updating my FAQ page later.

That’s all for now!


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