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Hey there, Oxdarock here!

It's time for the first voting poll of the year 2019! This poll will decide which of the pictures from the recently complete Draw Stream page I'll be turning into a completed picture! With some of the pictures being more erotic than usual, which will be the lucky lady(s) (and/or gentlemen) to make it into full color?!

This voting poll is for patrons only (those who have been successfully charged at least once). Each patron is allowed 3 votes, however you cannot vote for a single character multiple times, nor are your required to use all your votes (1 or 2 is fine). To see the full version of each picture, check out the Draw Stream 2 post. The voting will end at 12AM EST on Wednesday, January 9th

Let the voting begin!

EDIT: Made it easier to cast a vote. Now you can type the number instead of the full name.
