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Hey there, Oxdarock here!

Thought I’d take the time to lay out my plans for next month. It’s a little lengthly, but there’s at least one or two things of import, so just scroll down to see what matter to you. 

Special Thanks and Milestone (Hopefully) Reached!

First off, I’d like to thank all my patrons for supporting me this month as well as new patrons for joining! Quite a lot of people joined this month, no doubt out of curiosity of this month’s comic pages. That said, I just want to remind everyone that I’ll be sending out rewards on August 4th. So whether you decide to leave my Patreon for whatever reason, be sure to do it after then. I’d hate to not be able to give people the rewards I promised because they disappear too soon! What’s more, with all the patrons who’ve joined this month, it looks like I’ll finally have reached my first milestone goal (hopefully that doesn’t jinx it)! This means that the amount needed to earn more stack points will drop from every $30 to $20. Let’s just hope that number doesn’t dip below the milestone because it’s going to be tricky organizing everything again.

Real Life Business and Product Releases 

To start, I’m going to be a bit busy with real life business. Looking for a new apartment, so that’ll eat into my time a bit. This weekend will be a pretty big deal for me as I plan to the next issue of the Snapzine onto my online store (which happens to fall on August 4th, so please wait until then if you plan to leave dear patrons!). It’ll feature all the exclusive illustrations I’ve worked on over the past few months as well as the four Rub-Rub Roulette pictures from way back in March. I’m also into making special collection packs of various pictures in the middle of the month to replace the OxArtsets I recently retired. So look forward to it!

Rub-Rub Roulette Voting Poll

Next, there are two events coming up that will require audience participation. With the release of the next Snapzine issue, I’ll be starting up a voting poll around the middle of August to decide the winner of this round of the Rub-Rub Roulette (featured in both Snapzine 8 and 9). The winner will put on an encore performance, which basically means I’ll be making a comic showing a growth/transformation sequence of whoever wins. This will be a very major voting poll that will last a month long so I’d really like as many people to participate as possible, whether you’re a patron or not. I’ll post more details once the poll starts. 

Stack Point Growth Series

The second event is something I mentioned a month ago. In order to give patrons something to use them on, I’ll be starting a growth/transformation series that progress via stack points. It’ll become clear how it works once I start it up. I highly encourage patrons who have no other reason to use stack points to at least dump them on this!

Stack Points, Characters, and Picture Suggestion Sheets

Lastly, I just wanted to remind people to use some of their character and picture suggestions if they haven’t already! Five out of the eight exclusive pictures I drew were all largely based on patron suggestions. And while I’m expecting patrons to dump them on the growth series, remember that you can also use them on to give yourself extra suggestions or to give suggestions priority when I decide which to choose. To see the current lists of stack points and suggestions, visit the links below.

Stack Point Sheet 

OxPatreon Character Suggestions 

OxPatreon Picture Suggestions 

Whew! Man that was a lot! Congrats if you managed to go through all of that! If you have any questions, feel free to message me!

That’s all for now!


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