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Hey there, Oxdarock here!

A big thanks to all my patrons who supported me this month! I hope you're enjoying your summer and doing whatever you can to stay cool! Pledges are still being processed, but most of them are done, so on July 4th, I'll resend out links to June's exclusives and update the Stack Point Sheet

Aside from that, looking over my progress the past couple of months, I've made a few minor adjustments to how I handle things on Patreon and have updated the OxPatreon Guide post. The main changes are as follows:

  • Voting polls will now be publicly held with patron votes weighing heavier.
  • The archive link for finished Patreon exclusives will be sent to Huge and Giant tier patrons on the 4th of the month.
  • The number of character suggestions Huge and Giant Tier patrons can make has been decreased by one. 
  • I'm going back to the method where characters on the Character Suggestion sheet are removed once they've been drawn. Patrons will need suggest a character again to add it back to the list (even if it's the same character). 
  • Patrons can suggest a character even if it's already on the Character Suggestion Sheet. I'll usually give characters that have been suggested by multiple patrons more priority
  • Patrons can use stack points to give their suggestions (character or picture) priority.
  • Patrons can use stack points to make multiple picture suggestions at one time. 

As you can see, most of these changes involve tweaks to how I organize and decide how to choose character and picture suggestions. Both the Character Suggestion Sheet and Picture Suggestion Sheet are organized via patron names, so if you're names not on there, feel free to make a suggestion. 

On another note, some time during this month or next month, I'm gonna start doing Growth Drives. Some of you might have seen these as donation drives or reblog drives on Tumblr (where the more money/times you reblog, the more pictures are added). This will essentially be the same, however it will use Stack Points instead. As you might've guessed, this is pretty much my way of giving my patrons something to dump all their accumulated stack points onto. I'll start the first growth drive sometime later, but I thought I'd give everyone a heads up. 

That's all for now!



At the risk of sounding stupid/ignorant, what are stack points and how does one earn more?


Stack points are perks I give to long term patrons who pledge a lot. You can use them for extra perks and you automatically get one after pledging $30.