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Welcome back to another Lusty Lamp Tours segment! Today, we return to the Enchantavators, where we'll explain the- wait, what? What do you mean the first segment wasn't over? What else could there possibly-? Huh? Things are about to get really smoky? That...doesn't sound good. And neither does the twinkle overload coming from Tygra's eyes. Seems like it won't be long before the Lusty Lamp lives up to it's name...

I'll be sending out links to the full version for all my patrons shortly! For those who've missed this post, never fear! You can see the full version by becoming a Giant tier patron before the last post of the month or using a Stack point to see all of April's paid posts! Or you can wait until it's released in a full comic/image pack on my online store, the OxShop!



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