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Hey there, Oxdarock here!

So, there's something that's been bugging me about the Rub-Rub Roulette. While I'm sure that many like having a semblance of control over the outcome of each change, the fact that there's any control at all in this sort of contest seems pretty contradictory. That said, I'm probably gonna switch things up in the far future if and when I have a third round of the RRR in which all the TFs will be chosen at random. Of course, since the RRR will be random, that means the Shining Stars will be much more patron controlled. It's just a matter of knowing what light does what and how (though I'll make a chart so that'll make things a lot simpler). 

So, my question to my patrons is thus: should the second half of the current RRR (the characters to be chosen after Lelouch) continue as it has or should all the TFs be chosen at random? This poll will last a while, so leave a comment below on what you think should be done. That's all for now!



I say that all Tfs of the RRR should be randomized. Including this one.


The most fun of the RRR was that we didnt know what to expect. It was a surprise! And so i say randomize ftw


Mm yeah go for it random if you like