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Hey there, Oxdarock here!

Sorry for the delay! It's time to start the voting poll to see which guests will take part in the Rub-Rub Roulette! While I did want to go back to links method of voting, I think it's better to just stick to voting through comments and messages. In the event that someone were to attempt to manipulate votes again, even if it's not as obvious as last time, it can still happen very easily on a smaller scale and I'm not able to catch it that easily. I'm really particular when I say that this is something for patrons only as they're the ones that support me and allow me to have voting polls like this in the first place. 

Anyway, to vote for the character you want, either leave a comment below or send me a message. There will be four winners from first to fourth place (tiebreakers will be handled accordingly), so feel free to vote for whoever you want be it one or several characters! Be sure to check your pledge level and specify how many votes you want to go to each character. And please check the October BEnchmark Rewards to see if you're able to vote an extra time. The voting will end on Wednesday, October 11th at 7PM EST, at which point we'll get right to the rolling for each guest, followed by the TF voting for the first guest. Be sure to vote before then!

On a side note, I'm sure that a few of you are wondering how I decided on the characters taking part in the voting poll. As you can see, I like to make a little chart showing a portrait of the characters taking part. Aside from outright copying other creators who do this since it gives off an air of professionalism, it's also a way for people to just get a good look at each character. In the event their pick didn't make it into the group, they can at least pick the one that looks the cutest or fits the ongoing theme of the poll. Anyway, point is, while I like to make these charts, the number of suggestions fluctuates very often, and trying to include everything makes it harder to do these. That said, I settled on choosing twelve characters/suggestions, which are all chosen via WheelDecide. Characters that I've drawn recently are also omitted from the list until the next voting poll.

Anyway, that's all for now! If you have any questions, be sure to let me know!




All my votes go to Lelouch Lamperouge!

Drew Gumz

all my votes for Kallen


lets go with Lillith <3


Hmm... Let's go... Tail Blue I guess?


I doubt she'll win but I'm placing a vote for Tail Blue


Gonna go for Yuriko


as i understand, i get 4 votes as giant plus 1 extra from BEnchmarks so 5 votes for Maria


So i get one or two votes? Double checking i know it say i am in the Big teir but i think i hit the BE Benchmark


Throwing any votes I have toward Mai.


The BEnchmark Rewards related to voting only last for one month when it's hit. As such, since you're name isn't listed, you get one vote.

John Gonzales

Sighs so hard to choose.....I'm spliting my votes for Chiffton and Maria 2 for Chiffton and 2 for Maria Does is that legal? Looks back and forth nervously. Not sure I have the becnhc mark but if i do the 5th vote foes for Chiffton.


You don't have the BEnchmark for October, but yes, that way of voting is allowed. Added! Thank you!

Sangabriel McDaniel

I believe I have 5 votes, right? If so then I want 2 votes to go to Rongo, and the other 3 votes to go to Yuriko.

Alex James

I shall split mine between Peach and Mercury!


I put all my votes for Lilith


I'll put whatever I have for Izayoi