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Hey there, Oxdarock here!

So, I'm not sure if anyone has really paid attention to it, but I've been trying to figure out what to do with my milestone goals. I'm honestly clueless about what to do really. At first I'd thought to start posting Patreon content publicly, but there's a couple of issues with that. For one, the stuff that's Patreon content eventually makes it's way to my online stores, so I can't post all the content publicly or else there'd be no point selling those. The other problem is that while this is a plus for the people who aren't patrons, it doesn't really do anything for those who are. Lastly, I'd only be willing to post a few pictures from my Patreon at a time and since I post several of the pictures in an image pack for promotional reasons, that kinda makes doing so a moot point. 

There are Patreon campaigns that offer to do more content reaching certain milestones, but that doesn't work for me either for a few reasons. For one, my goal is to pump out as many comic pages as possible regardless of whether they're paid posts or not, so adding more pages a month won't work (in fact, a year ago I overworked myself attempting to do so). I also had to recently cut back on doing free content for voting polls as well as that just takes away from time I could devote to drawing comics. 

So yeah, I'm kinda stuck on what more I could do as a milestone goal. Request streams seem to also be something that people like to do, however I don't really have positive feelings toward those, not to mention I'd have to be doing fairly well to be relaxed enough to do that, especially if it's obligatory. There's also an AMA that I could do as well, though I don't know how to handle that or if people would be interested. At most I can see a "can one of my OCs do this," type of thing. There is also the possibility of doing something randomly LLR related that I can post publicly, but again, I just have to be doing well enough to be relaxed for that.

Anyway, this was more or less me rambling, but any advice or suggestions for milestone goals would be appreciated whether I go with them or not.


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