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Hey there, Oxdarock here!

As of 7PM EST, the voting is now closed! And the final results...are a tie between Alkaid and the Soi Fon/Yoruichi combo, both with 10 votes! So, rather than have a tiebreaker, I'm just gonna draw both of them (or all three if you wanna be technical). As for the results of the rest of the guests, here they are:

  • Kallen Kozuki: 9 votes
  • C.C.: 8 votes
  • Akatsuki: 0 votes
  • Alkaid: 10 votes
  • Sinon: 0 votes 
  • Soi Fon & Yoruichi Shihoin: 10 votes

Anyway, as I mentioned before, I'll be switching back to the former method of voting for the next poll in which I send out links to everyone. Please do not send these links to anyone else or post them publicly as I will very likely notice. If it happens again I'll have to switch to the comment/messaging method of voting permanently. It's not fair to the people who have pledged to my Patreon and actively participate if someone gets outside help in order to boost their own odds of winning. 

That's all for now!



Aw damn....Kallen didnt win