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Hey there, Oxdarock here! 

Due to things getting a bit hectic on my end of things, despite there being less than a week of August left, I expect to make four paid posts: one sometime tomorrow and three next Thursday. The post tomorrow is another LLR Guest picture featuring the blue CIT lights and the one next week will feature the Plush Push Doors, both of which were decided (mostly) by myself and not via the voting polls. As for the other two, well...

The Short Version 

I'll be starting up two new Snapzine segments: Magic Memories and Lusty Lewdness. With these two, it's my aim to get more NSFW than what I've done in the past. The former will have the same format as the pictures from the Magic Memories image pack. The only difference is that the characters featured will be posting more for the camera. Also, each picture it will have two versions: one with the character wearing a specific outfit and a nude version. Lusty Lewds on the other hand will feature guests in the bedrooms doing lewd things with  another guest, Tygra, Roxanne, or a convenient team of humanoid golems dubbed the Blankmen! Both segments will feature characters from past Lusty Lamp packs in the forms they end up in. The characters drawn will usually be decided by voting poll, however for the first picture or two I'll choose on my own accord. Also, while they'll be decided by voting poll, these pictures will be paid posts.

The Long Version

For quite some time I've been thinking about ways to attract more people to join my patreon and/or to purchase my works. Things have been improving over the summer, but they're still far from where I'd like them to be. Proof of this is that I'm still finding myself really dependent on commission work, which in turn keeps me from my own projects (Lusty Lamp and Patreon stuff basically). The conclusion I reached is that I don't do enough NSFW content. Sure, a lot of what I do is erotic and perverted, but I don't do a lot of stuff that's downright naughty with a capital "N". Besides that, I need some more stuff to make content for my image packs so I can release image packs sooner. It's especially needed for time like this when I don't have content lined up. I've yet to even make the panel layout and script for the next comic at this point. 

There's actually been nothing specifically stopping me from doing NSFW content besides my own pride. I actually have a lot of that type of stuff planned for further in with the Lusty Lamp, however it's a pretty long way off before I reach that point, especially the really serious stuff. In fact, I'll even reveal a general idea of the concepts I have planned for other areas: a lab that focuses on cloning via pseudo pregnancy, a restaurant that focuses on vore related content (in a kinky, non-lethal, reversible manner), a separate island where women become huge and horny monsters, and a red-light district with as many brothels as there are TF themes (not every theme, but quite a lot). There's no doubt in my mind that the farther I get with the Lusty Lamp, the better it will become in turn. However, after nearly a year I've yet to even finish half of the main hotel, so who knows how long it'll take to get that far at this rate. So, in order to attract more people, I decided that it's time to get lewder. Even so, I still don't want to throw order and concepts out the window either, since that would make what I do the same as anything else that you find on the net (not to say those pictures are bad, but I want something that defines me in some way). 

That brings me to one of the new segments I thought up, Lusty Lewdness. This segment features guests that show up in any of the currently released Lusty Lamp packs doing lewd things with Tygra, Roxanne, and a convenient set of humanoid golems known as the Blankmen! The setting for this will be the guest's bedrooms at the main hotel and the reason I decided this is because while there are certain concepts pertaining to the guest rooms, essentially they're the same as any other rooms you'd find in a hotel, which is actually what's supposed to appeal the the guests. So I just decided on the staff intruding on random guests in their room and forci- er, requesting that they take part in adult photography. Now, rather than throwing in characters, I'd decided that the characters would take the shape of their transformed state when taking part in such activity. I'd also have the characters to be drawn decided by voting poll. So for example, I've drawn Kallen Kozuki on three separate occasions for the Lusty Lamp and the Snapzine, however if I were to draw her as she was in the fifth issue of the Snapzine, she'd be in the form in which she had "Massive" sized breasts. Also, to make the voting simple and a lot quicker, I'd just make the voting polls according to who stars in an image pack. So for example, I might have one poll feature the guests from the first issue of the Snapzine or the guests from the third Lusty Lamp pack. And since there are any number of lewd activities one can take part in, guests can win any number of times, even if they show up in multiple packs (unless I say otherwise). Since I'm not particularly picky in who I draw, I wanted to leave the decision up to my patrons, though it'd still be a paid post on Patreon. For the first one or two times, however, I'm gonna pick a couple of characters ahead of time just to give people an idea of what I'm doing.

Now for the Magic Memories segment, it's pretty much similar to what I did for the Magic Memories image pack. I'd been thinking of starting a segment featuring the guests from previous Lusty Lamp packs for a while in this format. Only major change from my original idea is that there'd be two versions: one with a uniform and another nude. Keeping with concepts, the nude version would be the work of a certain genie...Anyway, like the Lusty Lewdness, it'd feature girls from any of the current Lusty Lamp packs, however each guest from each individual pack could only win once. So, using the example of Kallen Kozuki again, if she were chosen from the from she took in the fifth issue of the Snapzine, she wouldn't be able to win in that particular form again, however she could win again from the form she took in the third Lusty Lamp pack. Anyway, like Lusty Lewdness, I'll eventually make it patron decided, but will pick the characters for the first couple of pictures myself. 


Anyway, so that's pretty much it. Don't know how long lived this will be or if it'll even work, but I'm just trying out whatever works. That's all for now!


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