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Hey there, Oxdarock here!

Since I've recently finished the sketches (which pretty much means they'll be finished sometime soon), I figured I'd keep the ball moving to the next major voting poll. There are three choices:

The Plush Push Doors. Pretty much pin-up pictures of character using the Plush Push Doors. Pretty straightforward.

The Rub-Rub Roulette. This will be on a smaller scale than the first one (The Snapzine Issues 1-3), but essentially, several characters will be randomly given a TF from a list. Whatever they get is up to luck (I actually use a randomizer program, so even I don't know). While this is a smaller scale RRR (with each page possibly being similar to what I did for the Snapzine 6), I was thinking it could at least have 7 characters. Just to make it still seem like a relevant event.

The Shining Stars (temporary name). This is a new idea that's a similar event as the Rub-Rub Roulette, but instead focuses on the CIT lights (the spotlight in particular). First, there would be four characters, 3 patron picked and 1 picked by me. After that, each character will be transformed by a colored light decided via a voting poll. There will be three rounds, meaning each character will be changed three times, the changes stacking on top of one another. The intensity of each change will be decided by me.

And those are our choices. Obviously the Plush Push Doors will take the shortest amount of time to finish while the other two will most likely take a few months. So with that said, I'll be sending a link to my current patrons on which one to go forward with. 

The voting will only last for three days, ending on Wednesday, August 9th at 3PM EST. During this time, patrons can also start sending character suggests according to their pledge level. If you have any questions on what characters you can suggest and which group they get put in, either check out my Patreon Guide page or just ask me directly. 

I'll be sending out voting links shortly! Be on the lookout!


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