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Hey there, Oxdarock here!

Sorry for the real lack of updates besides picture posts. Been trying to finish paid posts on time, however, since I had to push this week's post to next week, I figured now would be a good time to update people on what's going on. 

Honestly, it's nothing major really. Posting one picture a week has definitely been working out so far these past couple of months. And with how I post previews of page posts, it seems to have garnered more attention, which is good. I also made some adjustments and edits to the front of my Patreon page, as well as the Guide page, so be sure to check those out if you have any questions on how I run my Patreon. Believe it or not, I actually messed up a bit here and there with the last suggestion poll. Sorry!!! ^^;

Regarding BEnchmark rewards, this month a few more people actually reached them, so I'll be sending out notices about that. As there is a decent amount of micro-managing when keeping track of BEnchmark rewards, I'm bound to miss some people here and there, so please be sure to contact me if I miss you at some point. It'd also be a big help if everyone updates their pledge tier so that it's easier to keep track of everyone. I'll send a notice to those still on an outdated tier. 

In other news, I still need to work on the winners of the last suggestion poll at some point. I'm not sure if I'll be able to include them in the next Snapzine in time though, so I might include them in the one after that. For those who don't remember, the theme of the last voting poll was "Shined on by the Blue CIT light" and the winners were Lucy Heartfilia, Milly Ashford, and Rosalina. 

Anyway, that's about all I can think of for now. Be on the lookout for future updates and info!


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