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Hey there! Oxdarock here!

I still have a few regular commission slots to deal with, but for the most part, I'm opening slots for special discount commissions! I'm currently opening 5 slots, so if you'd like one, please let me know via messaging here or, preferably, through DA notes! The theme this time around is: "Has to involved the CIT Lights." For those who don't know, this is referring to my recent LLT comic, "Shining Bright, CIT Lights" which you can read here .

For those who don't know how my discount slots work, basically, by allowing me to feature the commission in a future image pack, commissioners will get a discount of $10 (or more if you're a patron), have the background charges omitted, and will get a free copy of the comic/image pack your commission is featured in! In order to qualify for a discount commission, you must follow these guidelines:

  • The commission has to follow the current theme that I announce.
  • All commission must be of Standard shading quality.
  • I must be allowed to sell the commission as part of a comic/image pack featured in my store. As such, commissions may not be posted in public by the commissioner or anyone else. Failure to comply with this rule will result in the commissioner being unable to partake in future discount commissions

Lastly, I'm considering changing my policy when accepting commissions from a "first come, first serve" style to a "personal preference" should the number of offers exceed the slots I have open. Just unsure of the pros and cons of doing so. 

Anyway, again, if you'd like a slot and/or have questions regarding the current theme, please let me know! I'm pretty aware that there's quite a bit of details I wasn't able to convey concerning the CIT lights, so by all means, ask away if you need to!

That's all for now!


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