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Hey there, Oxdarock here!

Just posted some sketches I’ve been working on over the past week, so expect them to be finished within the next week or so. With that said, I wanted to bring up something that’s been on my mind regarding monthly exclusive content (i.e. the ones I send dropbox links for), voting polls, and suggestions. Going the first two months without anything truly exclusive bugged me a bit, so I want to see if I can approach it a couple of ways.

The first is Lusty Lamp Snapbacks, a series involving characters who’ve appeared in the Lusty Lamp in some way or form. Since it’s the kind of thing where I’d be going down a list in terms of what I’d draw, I wouldn’t mind taking suggestions and holding a voting poll for those. That one’s pretty easy, so moving on.

Next is Lusty Lamp Guests, another series that’s basically mini-stories about characters at the Lusty Lamp. My idea was to use this as a preview for the other areas and concepts that I’m not currently working on, comic-wise. Since people have no idea what those are, I’d probably only hold a poll that decides which area I’d draw something for. Main difficulty would probably be backgrounds, since I actively take the time to figure out the layout of everything, however for these, I’d do them on the spur of the moment. Basically means the setting will most likely change when I officially cover it. 

Another idea I had in mind would be something called SnapRequests, the premise of which is a commission board for the SnapShop, the photo hub of the resort, the pictures themselves ranging from selfies to posing to candid (or whatever you call the type of photo where the ones featured aren’t posing for the camera). Canonical details aside, this is pretty much a glorified request board, one where I’d take suggestions from other and pick which ones to draw myself. The main issue is knowledge of the resort as a whole. It’s something I’d have to make a dedicated post on and collect feedback in order to figure out how I’d approach it. 

Yet another idea I came up with while thinking about the one above is something called the Wish Board. Unlike SnapRequests, this one would be consolidated to the Genie’s Palace specifically.  The idea is a commission board asking for people to do odd jobs, or rather, to grant someone’s wish. For example, wanting a kiss from someone with giant lips, going on a ride with someone on the elevator and watching them grow, having breakfast together, etc. I’m not sure how to describe it, but think of it with the mindset of, “I wish this person would do this for me.” Again, I’d probably need to make a separate post and take in feedback and questions. 

The last idea I’d have in mind would be a Q&A corner, but that’s not something I’d want to be a monthly exclusive, nor would I have any idea on how to approach it without going into a lot of detail. I’ll probably have to put it on the backburner till I progress more with the setting.

Anyway, those are the ideas that have been floating in my head of late. Snapbacks are really easy conceptually, but I’d need to hold a poll on which of the other three people would want me to do, as well as follow-up posts to take in feedback. I’ll figure something out, but in the meantime, look forward to it! 

That’s all for now! 


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