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The progress post for the Goblin Slayer Girls Squish Drive! You can learn more via this post or donate directly here! I'll update the picture above whenever a new benchmark has been reached! 

4/12/2024: Welp, Cow Girl's been fully funded. Kinda funny how it happened after I posted an update for the previous Squish Drive's bonus rounds. Crazy how much this popped off from one picture, though I am thankful for everyone's enthusiasm. One more for the pile!

4/6/2024 Update 5: And a new donor has joined the ring! And they want to see Cow Girl go up to lvl 2! 5 pictures in the work pile!

4/6/2024 Update 4: Welp. They say the mouth is a source of chaos and they were correct. Not only did I expect Guild Girl to get fully funded for her first picture, someone decided to double up on it. Guess we're getting the 2nd stage. Wonder if they'll be so forthcoming when it's done, heh heh heh...

4/6/2024 Update 3: Wow. I tried to garner sympathy for Guild Girl and it went the exact opposite direction. Rip. Well, she'll get her turn eventually.

4/6/2024 Update 2: No sooner had I updated the progress chart that our local Squish Drive philanthropist decided to toss their hat into the ring, making the next one to get their horns Cow Girl. That said, poor Guild Girl. She works so hard, but nobody cares about her. T.T

4/6/2024 Update: With the first picture done, now people have an idea of the thickness of the girls, at least in the first round. Will another girl take their first swig or will HEA take things to the next level?

3/20/2024 Update: The first picture has been funded! Thought it was gonna be Priestess at first, but someone apparently shares my thoughts that High Elf Archer is best girl, lmao! Welp, that's three Squish Drive pictures to work on! Look forward to the sketches!




First of all nice! Looking forward to High Elf Archer transformation... Also is wrong of me to hope she get really bottom heavy?


Thx. And kinda. It'll be hourglass growth, but not bottom-heavy specifically. ^^;


Huh, so that's what it feels like. Good to know.