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I felt like drawing these two again.
I was thinking of drawing a comic with them but people seem to be more interested in other things I’m drawing 🤔 I’ll keep thinking.




Oo, a comic sounds amazing

Holly A.

I love these two and I absolutely want more of them! This second image just had me shivering. They look like they're having an out of body experience with how much they're enjoying it.


For what it's worth I'm interested in a comic with them. One if my favorite couples.


I JUST REALIZED I WOULD LOVE TO LEARN HOW THEY MET. Plus maybe their first time together? <3 Honestly, I'm interested in whatever you do. Keep it up!


These two made my day! Thank you so much! I'm always so so happy to see them, they're my absolute fav, and a comic with them would be the absolute dream - so please do keep thinking about it <3 In the end I'm a patron to see the art you put forth that brings you the most joy, so whatever that is, I'll be rooting for it!


I love to see a story about them!


I love them, please do a comic, even if its a short one


Give me that sweet, sweet Bastion and Kal comic 😍 I want to read that so badly

ローラ (Laura)

I absolutely adore Bastion and Kal; I know so little about them, but I'm deeply invested in their relationship. Kal is just so freaking sweet and bashful, while Bastion is so forward... and they always look like they're having a great time. 💕 I would love a comic, but only if it's fun for you to draw it and won't stress you out to have another thing to do.


Aaaaah Bastion an Kal are the best I love them so much! Thank you for your work!


I am 100% behind a comic of them. This is by far more interesting than random banging. I mean, I love random banging. But there's something about them that's just endearing and that quality makes them more interesting to me. owo