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Thiswas seriously so freakin fun to watch! I absolutely loved getting to see a bit of the boys personalities and tbh, I was pretty shocked with a few members! 

I absolutely LIVE for the chaos of them all and sTELL IS SO FUNNY.

I can't wait to continue my journey into SB19 HEHE



Ma Rie

when asked "indoor or outdoor" in another video, only Stell said outdoor while they all said indoors even Pablo. And i remember seeing in another video mentioning Pablo as a bit of an introvert.. and I can see it in other videos... hahah so yeah Stell is the extrovert of extroverts..

Sarah C

I just started watching these! The boys shared their MBTIs in the first episode of their podcast on Spotify (it came out in October): Pablo - INTJ-A Ken - INTJ-A Josh - INTJ-T Justin - INFJ-T Stell - ENFJ-T