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Latest EP11 Teaser release is here 


Happy Christmas to everyone who celebrates it. Sorry there's no Xmas render this year. Been super swamped. First big part of EP11, which is the Luis Route aftermath, is done. Next I'll start the Emily route aftermath and once that's done the main attraction for EP11 can start.

Speaking of the main attraction. The environment for it is also progressing. Here are some WIP's:

Far environment test ported to Daz and preview rendered in IRAY:


Pool environment WIP test rendered in Max:


That's all for now. Thanks for everyone's continued patience.





recently started playing this, at episode 7 now. Almost everything about this avn is top notch, except MC, he is an absolute dork and utterly fails to live up to the rest of the game. The rest of the cast is colorful, believable, have personality and feel like they compliment the game in their own way. The MC is just a complete clown with almost no qualities that make you actually root for him as a protagonist. In my honest oppinion his dialoge and dialogue choices needs to be touched up throughout the game. So many scenes he just sits around saying nothing while others just verbally abuse the living crap out of him, and so many times when he opens his mouth he just says the worst possible bs that at least in my case as the player, who is supposed feel like i'm somewhat playing this character, feel completely disconnected from the MC.


Yes, he's a dork. You know that song "I'm just a regular, everyday, mf. I don't have a girlfriend, my hand's my only lover..." ? That's the MC. Except, in this world, all the girls love him. If you can't stomach following a non alpha MC who doesn't have all his shit in a row, you're gonna have a hard time playing this for some time going forward, I'm afraid.


I just mean like considering how freaking good the overall story, setting, cast of characters, renders and pretty much everything in this avn is, wouldn't it be good to complete this masterpiece with an mc that most players can relate to and root for.. it is an adult visual novel after all, keyword being adult, so reading it/seeing it through the eyes of someone who only has the option of behaving like spoiled little brat just seems weird, it might be compelling to some but i bet that alot of the adult people that play this who like the option to actually behave like an adult. Also the dorky, all the girls-love-him-for-no-damn-reason has just been done so many times it's getting real old. And even though both the humor and style of the game is sometimes a little cartoon-ish, it still holds up on the realism and immersion parts. I could go on and on about how good the renders of characters and eveiroments are. and overall i think the story and dialogue is really good and engaging. To me it just sucks that it's sometimes ruined by an mc that seemingly acts completely out of character and is not given enough choice.


multiple choice is hard. permutation is hard. lasting consequences is hard. It basically doubles, triples the amount of work I have to do. the permutation and amount of work also grows exponentially with every non trivial multiple choice if it has lasting consequences. As linear as the game is it already takes an age for me to produce an episode. Rather than focus of giving the player more freedom to express themselves with choices that reflect their personality, I've chosen to focus on a more linear narrative with greater breadth rather than a reactive but shallower experience. Other devs might be able to pull off both reactive and deep story telling at the same time but not me. I can barely keep this shit together as it is. It's more akin to watching a TV show rather than playing a video game. As for him being a dork, a loser and a joke. I can see why you see it that way. And it's true I keep making everyone poke fun at him. And he is frequently the butt of the joke. This is all intentional. It's just my style. I don't write hero's or cool guys. He's a honest goober who tries his best to get by. And in this game's world at least he's rewarded for it. He'll grow to become more of a man as times goes by but he'll never be a chad.