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Hey guys, I've been quiet for a while and there's yet to be a single EP11 teaser released... 

So what's going on? Well, I've been working on pre production stuff (outfits, environments, writing the episode outline). One of the major ones being the exterior of the halfway house. I've needed this for a long time, there's a lot of scenes I want to write that require a proper exterior environment that's not a simple vignette that can only work with limited camera angles. So I've built it from scratch. 

Took a few weeks so it's not comparable to the professional environments out there but I needed something custom to at least somewhat represent the interior layout of the halfway house we've seen thus far.

So, excuse the low quality. To make something really good, I would need months and months of work on this environment alone. But EP11 is waiting so this is as good as it gets for now. I'm going to need a few more environments for EP11 but they won't take any actual modelling and only need texture work so they'll go faster.

So yeah, not very interesting perhaps but I just want to let everyone know that I'm still working on the game.






Well, your idea of "low quality" is higly strict. I think these pictures are magnificent: Sky, clouds, houses... I acclaim this low quality!


Amazing, congratulations Az, always doing a great job 👏🏻

Brian Thompson

Weekend around the house? Mow the yard?