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Hey folks,

Just a little sitrep. I'm completely done with everything in the club. Now working on some actiony stuff outside of the club before heading back home. There will be two version of this. One for when you're with Em and one when you're with Luis. 

After that, I can start work on the second substantial part of EP10, which follows what happens if you don't stay at the club. Once that is finish that to it's completion. 

I can pick up the Luis thread again to finish it up and show what happens as the two try to sneak back into the halfway house. That'll be the last thing. After that EP10 will be done.

For now, here's yet another sneak peek of three new characters for the scene outside of the club.

1. Triad Pimp 

2. Triad Thug 

3. Cabby 

4. Bonus Em. Nothing to do with EP10. Just an outfit test for Em. Included for funsies as a little injection of beauty amongst all them beasts.


That's all. Sorry this is taking so long.




Triad Pimp
Triad Thug
Bonus Em


Michael Pogue

Dayum Az, take all the time you need to make it how you want it to be. All these renders are amazing, but Em is just lovely. You should let her get dolled up more often.


She will, going forward. Looking at Ash getting dolled up, looking at the other girls at the club. Getting looked down on by that domineering British lady, getting made fun of by Luis. All that has lit a little fire in her.

Daeni Helsing

I fucking love Em. I'll never complain when you give us a picture of her even if it's one we won't see in the game. Sometimes, that is even better.