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Hey folks,

Just a quick update to say that I'm still alive and just put out the latest teaser. Anyway, EP10 is roughly around 45-50% done. Just about to start work on the second and then a third animation after that in this episode. After that's done, I'll be close to finishing up everything to do with the club and can focus on what happens on the way back home.  Then I can start work on the Emily and Samantha side of things.

So yeah, still quite a ways to go before this episode sees the light at the end the tunnel.






Hello, how can I contact you - I need to ask a couple of questions?!


Hello, If that was directed at me: You can either DM me here on Patreon, or on Discord. You have to be a patron for either option tho. If that's no bueno, you can just ask your questions here.

Charley Marshmallow

Thank you for the excellent visual novel, good sir. Can't wait for the next episode!


Many thanks. Glad you enjoyed it. Next episode is still quite a while away I'm sorry to say. Tho I am working hard on it every day.