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Sup folks,

EP9 is around 50% complete. That may sound like it's getting there but there's still a lot of work to do. I still need to do a scene with one of the minor female character. After that, I have to do a scene with Officer Monroe to further one of the subplot as well as flesh out his character's back story some. And finally towards the end there's a big branching path.

So yeah... it's still a fair bit before this one is done. As an apology, here's a render of Em, inspired by a photo of Carrie Fisher I really liked.





Devin Sims

I cant wait for it to come out!!!!!!


Hi Az! I really enjoy playing the game. Take the time you need, even though I can't wait for EP9. I will go back and play it again; there are some scenes to unlock. One thing I was wondering: on the hospital bracelet the MC is wearing there is a namn. David A. "Something". What is the surname?


Glad you like the game. As for the surname, it's "Holman", It's just a stock texture so nothing to do with the game though.