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April 23 Teaser: 

Disaster area... 

April 27 Teaser:

New Day... 

May 5 Teaser:

"Dont rub me there!" 

May 15 Teaser:

"I told you to wait outside." 

May 26 Teaser:

Off to work we go...! 

May 31 Teaser:

"Did cha miss me?" 

July 3 Teaser:

Meeting with Monroe... 

July 20 Teaser:

Sister Senpai... 

July 26 Teaser:

Monroe's Regret... 

August 28 Teaser:

Back to work... (Nothing new. This is just to show that I'm still at it). 

September 4 Teaser:


October 31 Teaser:

Tactical Espionage Action... 

November 9 Teaser:

"He looks scary!" 

November 28 Teaser:

"I'm not here to mess around!" 

January 8 Teaser:

Unexpected Surprise... 




Can't wait! Emily so cute!!


Ther'es an old saying, "waiting is the hardest part" and waiting for this is damn hard.