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EP4 is 95% done. 

To Patrons, I know in the Poll I said It'd take an extra week or so pass the original deadline (which is today) to finish it. But can't make that. Anything I say will just sound like excuses but know that I'm working flat out.

EP4 is coming out towards the end of this week for sure. It'll have more renders than ep3 (which was at 353 renders) but actual play time is about the same I think. If you felt ep3 was short this one will feel the same, but I hope you guys have a fun time regardless.




Question; what's the release time for second tier?(friend). Isn't specified.


same with everyone below 10$. Used to be a one episode lag. But since the dev time has been increased. I won't wait till the next episode is done to release the public version. It's still the same as before: 30 days after 10$+ Tier release. As always, you can get it via unofficial means if the wait is too long.


Doesn't that kind of removes the incentive to become a patreon below 10 dollar? Of course you wan't to help a dev and game you like, but feels like that there should be some kind of quid pro quo.

Exxxplizit Gaming

I don’t think I’ve ever been more anxious for a release


Yeah thats the idea. I wanted to make the 10$+ more attractive. It's the most popular Tier (except for 1$) so I guess it worked ? Honestly tho I just copied the their reward system from other devs of this type of games I looked at before starting this.