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Hey folks,

I've made the decision restructure EP11 in order for me to be able to release it earlier. The original plan for EP11 was for it to have three distinct parts.

  • Emily route aftermath: The continuation of the story if you chose to follow the rules and go back home with Emily in EP10.

  • Luis route aftermath: The continuation of the story if you chose to flaunt the rules and have fun with Luis at the club in EP10.

  • Group outing: The continuation of the story after the two split path merges back together and the gang goes out for some fun in the sun.

After considering the length of time it would take to do part 3. I have decided to move it to EP12. This will allow EP11 to come out sooner as well as allowing me to put in an entire episode worth of effort into the outing and use that custom municipal pool environment I made to it's fullest.

The upside of this decision is EP11 will come out sooner. But the downside is that it will be a shorter episode in comparison to EP10. Especially if you only play one path. Even if you do go back and try both path to see everything, It will be on the shorter side. Length wise, the two path combined, would be the equivalent of say EP7 or EP8.

Having said all that. There's still a bit to go before EP11 is ready. Plenty of scenes still to do as well as some animation work. But it won't take anywhere near as long as it would have if I include the pool outing in this episode as well.

I'm still not giving a definite ETA but the summit is within sight now.

Thanks for reading,





Will it be released in May?

Tom Ross

looking forward to Ep11. love this story.


I'll try. Production is about 95% done. But even after that, there's still the audio work. A new hint system needs to be populated, after that the script has to be sent out for proofing. And lastly the final play test. It might slip May but probably won't slip June.


Getting there. Release date is closer than it's ever been.