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Femdom's Ancient Roots

  • Bitter Moon 3
  • Going Under 5
  • Agnieszka 3
  • 2024-02-21
  • —2024-03-14
  • 11 votes
{'title': "Femdom's Ancient Roots", 'choices': [{'text': 'Bitter Moon', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Going Under', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'Agnieszka', 'votes': 3}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 14, 3, 55, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 21, 14, 3, 19, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 11}


Hello my cheeky cherubs!

I hope you're staying warm as the winter wears on. Or keeping cool if you're in the southern half of the globe!

I had a different idea for this this edition of Mistress Speaks, but I'm saving it for next time. A fun piece of Femdom history emerged while my slutty Shakespeare was doing research for one of his new projects. I'm honestly baffled that neither I or James were aware of this, but it just goes to show that one's education is never complete!

Did you know that one of the first instances of Femdom in pop culture traces all the way back to Ancient Greece? Or rather, the portrayal does. The story itself was written in the 13th century, which is still deep in historically patriarchal territory. I'm referring to the medieval "cautionary tale" of Phyllis and Aristotle.

There are many versions of the story that manifested over the next 200 years, but they're all variations on the same theme. The scholar and philosopher, Aristotle, while tutoring Alexander the Great, gets involved with a seductress named Phyllis. He counsels Alexander against hedonism and to always show restraint and discipline to build good moral character, but in secret he can't resist the charms of the Macedonian Dominatrix. Annoyed by his hypocrisy, she decides to expose Aristotle's private life with a bout of public humiliation.

This tale found it's way into numerous medieval poems, books and plays. It's considered part of the wider "Power of Women" theme that developed in various literary and visual artworks during this period, depicting popular historical and mythological figures in acts of role reversal.

While much of it was played for laughs and often presented as a warning about female sexuality and giving women any amount of power, it's also an early manifestation of man's desire to be dominated by the fairer sex. It simultaneously shows that some things never change. Even today, some try to hide their closeted desires behind bad attempts at comedy and moralizing about things which are supposedly "unnatural."

Unsurprisingly, as soon as James discovered this and shared it with me, he was inspired to write a story about it. You can expect to see "Phyllis and Aristotle" appear as a Quickie option in the near future. Won't it be fun to bring that to life?

Alright, my dears. It's polling time again! You'll find the remaining options for Femdom cinema below. Choose which film I'll be watching and reviewing next!

1. Bitter Moon (1992)

A mild-mannered man attempts to rekindle the sexual fire in his marriage while on a cruise. This is complicated when he develops an irresistible infatuation with an eccentric paraplegic's wife, a woman with a taste for the dark side.

2. Going Under (2004)

The erotic fantasies of an obsessive psychotherapist slowly begin to bleed into reality when his relationship with his longtime dominatrix extends beyond the dungeon.

3. Agnieszka (2014) 

After serving five years in prison, 30-year-old Agnieszka flees Poland for Germany in an attempt to start over. In Munich she meets the lonely 70-year-old Madame, boss of an escort agency. The woman provides her with a refuge and a job: working as a dominatrix. She becomes like a daughter to her. All seems well until a young man falls in love with Agnieszka. Madame will not stand any competition.

Stay tuned for more stories coming up soon. I'll see you all then.

Until next time, stay naughty!

Yours Truly,

Mistress Cereza


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