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Femdom Horror

  • Immobilized pain slut? Burlap sack slave? Sign me up! 4
  • Hmmm... She's kinda hot. I'm thinking about it. 5
  • Hard pass. 9
  • 2023-12-20
  • 18 votes
{'title': 'Femdom Horror', 'choices': [{'text': 'Immobilized pain slut? Burlap sack slave? Sign me up!', 'votes': 4}, {'text': "Hmmm... She's kinda hot. I'm thinking about it.", 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'Hard pass.', 'votes': 9}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 20, 2, 12, 41, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 18}


Hello my sweet submissives and decadent Dommes. I'm back with a new Mistress Speaks, at last! The topic for this month should be obvious. Spoilers ahead for the movie in question, though I'll give a second warning before describing the shocking climax, in case anyone wants to stop there and see it for themselves.

There are some prideful, hardcore masochists out there who will tell you they just can't find a dominant woman who's severe enough for their taste. There's never enough pain or the scene is never intense enough. They want a true sadist whose will to power completely overwhelms and swallows their own. Those guys should watch "Audition" and think twice.

Audition (1999) is directed by the infamous Takashi Miike, who's known for his very intense and bizarre films. James and I have watched several of them, including Audition, Ichi the Killer, Izo and 13 Assassins. Audition is unique among them in that it actually seems like a conventional drama for the first two thirds of its run time. It even feels like a poor attempt at romantic comedy at times. But what it's doing is lulling you into a false sense of security before it springs some of the most graphic and disturbing moments ever captured on film to its viewers.

Our main character is Aoyama, a business owner and family man. Aoyama is actually his last name, but it's common for the Japanese, especially guys, to call each other by their surname casually. When the film opens we see him and his young son lose their wife and mother to illness. Fast forward seven years and having mourned his wife long enough, Aoyama is ready to move on and re-marry. In fact, his best friend and teenage son both suggest he should.

His friend, Yoshikawa, who runs a film production studio, suggests he skip the usual dating mess and they hold a casting audition for a new project as a way to find him a possible match. Aoyama initially rejects this, because it feels (and is) underhanded, but his friend talks him into it. Soon, he's looking through applications of beautiful women like it was a restaurant menu.

It doesn't take long for Aoyama and his friend's chauvinism to go on full display. Aoyama isn't a bad guy, per se, but he has the level of casual sexism you'd expect from a male boomer his age. He and Yoshikawa don't like "loud women" with too much personality. He's looking for someone meek and demure who will love him, cook his meals and help take care of his son. Unsurprisingly, he also wants a woman half his age.

Other women who aren't attractive on the level of fashion models express interest in him throughout the movie, but he gives them the cold shoulder. He knows what he wants and as a successful business man, what he feels he deserves. This is rarely thought of as "entitlement" when men express such things, but that's exactly what it is. He compares looking for his special someone to shopping for a car. Even Yoshikawa has the presence of mind to point out that's a horrible analogy.

He takes an interest in young Asami Yamazaki not only for her beauty and her conventional, tradwife demeanor, but also because she describes a past of great pain. Her resume explains she was a ballerina in training, but her hip was seriously injured and her dream of being a dancer died. Aoyama becomes smitten with her. She's the only woman at the audition who interests him.

They meet up soon after and he breaks the news that the film project is not likely to be greenlit. She doesn't seem to care. She's just happy to have met someone new. What Aoyama doesn't know, but slowly discovers, is that Asami's past is much more painful and disturbing than she let on in her essay. Yoshikawa repeatedly tries to warn Aoyama that something about her seems off, but he doesn't listen.

*CLIMAX WARNING* (Turn back now unless you want the full spoiler!)

As it turns out, Asami was horribly abused not only by her biological parents, but her foster parents, her ballet instructor and possibly others. She had a nightmare childhood beyond comprehension and now associates suffering with affection and love. It's cliche to suggest that this kind of trauma results in a need for BDSM, but Asami never actually sells herself as a Dominatrix. She just very much looks like one once her trap is sprung and she has what she wants (a piggy to inflict pain on.)

After drugging Aoyama's drink and paralyzing him (but importantly, not his nerves), she proceeds to torture him in one of the most gruesome ways you will ever witness. She slowly inserts a series of needles into some of the most sensitive regions of the stomach and under his eyes, taunting him the entire time. She tourniquets his legs just above the ankles and proceeds to saw off his left foot with piano wire while smiling and laughing.

We also see images of Asami sitting on the floor of her home next to her phone and a large burlap sack. The first time it moves, it's obvious the bag contains a human prisoner. What we don't see till the end is that several of the man's fingers have been cut off along with his tongue and both amputated feet. He truly is going nowhere. It's hinted that Aoyama may be the next man going into that bag to replace the last middle aged male that reminded Asami of her abusers. I won't spoil for you what she feeds her bagged prisoners, but let's just say it's less than appetizing.

As an added twist (because Miike films can never be cut and dry) there's some dream logic and interesting transitions thrown into the third act of this movie to cast doubt on how real it all is. Is Aoyama just having a nightmare? Fueled by guilt for trying to find a young replacement for his dead wife? Spurned on by the continued suspicious of his friend Yoshikawa about Asami? It's possible, but the torture scenes at the end feel too visceral, real and final to give it more than a fleeting thought.

Having revisited this film after many years, I was surprised it was still able to shock me. After James and I finished watching it, I practically felt the need to offer him aftercare (and he did the same for me.) It's an intense and disturbing movie, but very effective as a piece of horror. I give it a 4/5, even though it's not a good look for Femdom. If you've seen the movie, I'd be interested to know what your reaction was. Sound off in the comments if you don't mind sharing!

Of course, the other way you can express yourself is through our poll. How do you feel about Asami's style of domination? I'm guessing this will have a very lop-sided result, but I've been surprised before.

Sorry for focusing on such a grisly film just before Christmas, but that's the way it worked out this year. Perhaps next year I'll go back to the traditional Christmas Femdom post.

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season, my cheeky cherubs! Stay tuned for another poll and more stories as we head into the new year. Ta ta for now!

Yours Truly,

Mistress Cereza


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