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James: Hey Femdom fam! We're back with your first update of the month.

Mistress Cereza: Hello, my dears!

James: Before I get to the schedule, I want to mention the new Collections feature on the front page. This replaced the old "featured tags" system which is why you no longer see the default categories and their thumbnails on the front page. Instead you want to go to "Collections." While I don't love that it's a separate tab, I do like that we can have more than five categories now. I took some time to fill out the new Collections area and you'll find that not only do we have all the old categories, but there's a separate collection for every ongoing and completed series. Grabbing the story bundles is still the easiest way to download all the story content, but Collections provides an easier way to access my work if you'd rather not deal with a zip file.

Mistress Cereza: A handy little feature, for sure. So, what's going on this month?

James: First up in September, the next Quickie is coming your way. Now, regarding my short stories, you may recall I talked earlier this year about possibly suspending the Quickies for a while as I get caught up on commissions and advancing my regular full-length stories (Latex Futa Nuns From Hell and Athena Corp Chronicles). I haven't done that yet, but I'm considering it. At the same time, I know a lot of you really like the Quickies. So I think we're going to put up a poll and gauge the readers interest before I make a decision.

Mistress Cereza: I understand wanting to let the readers weigh in, but you should do what you think is best, my love.

James: As you say, Mistress. After the Quickie, the first chapter of the new Fantasy series I've teased a couple times will be on the way. I think I have a title picked out, but I haven't settled on it, so I don't want to announce it just yet. You'll probably get the reveal in the next update.

Mistress Cereza: And beyond those two stories?

James: After that, I believe Long Is The Way and Insatiable are up next on the commission block, so you can look forward to the next chapters of those in the near future as well.

Mistress Cereza: Sounds like you have a busy schedule heading into the fall.

James: As usual. That's all for now. We'll be back with a special poll and your new Quickie before you know it.

Mistress Cereza: Ta ta for now!


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