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James: Hello Femdom / Futadom fam! We're back with your first update for June.

Mistress Cereza: Hello my dears!

James: First, let me apologize that your latest chapter isn't up yet. It would've been released over the weekend, but Mistress and I got a last minute opportunity to take a fun weekend excursion.

Mistress Cereza: James and I were in the Big Apple for a few days. Seeing the sights in Manhatten was lovely, although the warm weather made it trying at times. Thank goodness for air conditioned hotels! Some friends of ours had two extra tickets to the Yankees / Red Sox series and offered to pay for our accommodations. It was too tempting to turn down. Especially since neither of us has had a real vacation so far this year.

James: We still haven't, but this was a nice little break.

Mistress Cereza: We'll plan a more lengthy getaway for later this summer. After you get some more stories cranked out.

James: Good call, my Queen. Chapter 3 of Cosplay Cumdump will be out soon. Just need to put the finishing touches on it. Chapter 9 of Enslaved By Sorority Sluts will be right behind it. All the details have now been worked out.

Mistress Cereza: Excellent. See you soon, my cheeky cherubs!

James: Peace!


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