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James: I enjoyed myself with this one.

Mistress Cereza: lol... I can tell.

James: Dune has been my favorite novel since I read it in my late teens. The entire, original, six book series is incredible. I know that universe well, so it was nice getting to put that knowledge to work. I wanted to add enough backstory and context so anyone who hasn't read Dune or seen the films could still get the basics, so this story went a little long for a Quickie.

Mistress Cereza: I wasn't expecting it to be so comedic.

James: Normally I consider my favorite films and novels to be sacred cows, but this time I said "fuck it" and slaughtered it on the altar. I think this is more entertaining than if I had just done a straight laced interpretation with Femdom themes.

Mistress Cereza: I certainly liked it. I'm sure our readers will too.

James: I hope so. Enjoy, folks!




This was an entertaining quickie, reminds me of the david balseme dune game.