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James: Hey folks. We're back with one more update before we head out for our little getaway.

Mistress Cereza: Hello, my dears!

James: There's been a slight change of plan. When I published chapter 9 of Athena Corp Chronicles the other night (version 2 has been uploaded, btw), it became clear to me that I wasn't going to have time to write another full commission while preparing for the trip.

Mistress Cereza: So what's the plan?

James: I'm writing the latest Quickie now, which will be posted before we leave. When we get back, I'll write chapter 4 of Biblical Proportions and then proceed to the next commission, which I believe will be chapter 2 of Fast Times At Eden S&M.

Mistress Cereza: A busy start to November. You'd better rest up while we're away.

James: I will, if a certain demanding Domina lets me. ;-)

Mistress Cereza: Of course you'll get to relax. But all rest and no play makes James a dull boy...

James: Yes, Mistress! Alright readers, we'll be back soon with your Quickie.

Mistress Cereza: See you then, darlings.


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