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James: Hey everybody! We're back.

Mistress Cereza: Hello, my smut hungry sluts.

James: So, how did you like The Spark, Mistress?

Mistress Cereza: I liked it very much. An excellent mix of supernatural spookiness and decadent smut. The Wendy character strikes me as a little cray cray, but I admire a woman with her ambition. I can't help but feel a certain kinship with her since I was a fan of yours before we became an item.

James: Glad you enjoyed it. Did you pick up on the little homages I sprinkled in?

Mistress Cereza: The Misery one was fairly obvious, for anyone who's read the book or seen the movie. Was there another?

James: The character names "Jack" and "Wendy" were a nod to The Shining.

Mistress Cereza: Ah, of course. Subtle, yet completely out in the open. Clever boy.

James: I'm going to finish the second pass tonight and the cleaned up version 2 will be available shortly thereafter. Then I'll be jumping into chapter 9 of Athena Corp Chronicles which, I assure you, will not take 2-3 weeks to write. My jury duty service ended up being short, thankfully. So between that and no more 15,000 word stories for a while, things should get back on track now.

Mistress Cereza: Yes, but don't forget about our upcoming break. Now might be a good time to mention it.

James: Right! In the last week of October Mistress and I will be going on our second getaway of the year. I should have two more stories out for you before we leave. I may or may not have time to do the Quickie before then, but if not, I'll write it as soon as we get back.

Mistress Cereza: Sounds like you have a busy couple weeks ahead. Get to it, slut!

James: Yes, Mistress! See you soon, folks.


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