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James: Well, I did it again. I wrote another Quickie that isn't very "quick." This one went almost 5,000 words.

Mistress Cereza: You're hopeless.

James: The muse commands. I merely obey.

Mistress Cereza: If only you were as obedient to me.

James: Hey! That's not-

Mistress Cereza: Kidding! You're too easy, slut. I see you've decided to get back into writing side stories in your established worlds lately.

James: Yeah, I realized I hadn't done that in a while. It was time to.

Mistress Cereza: And this one should get your readers eager for more Athena Corp Chronicles. This was a fun peek into the story's future.

James: That's the plan. Oh, and for my Patreon supporters who are probably wondering why this story was the pick of the month, even though Pool Boy won pretty convincingly here, The Sticky Life of Cabana Bitch Boys won an even more lopsided victory on SS. So, when the votes were totaled, it came out on top.

Mistress Cereza: I'm sure they're fine with it. And the other selections will return next summer, right?

James: Absolutely. For now, enjoy the new tale!



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