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James: Alright, here's your second Quickie of the month! Welcome to Latex Paradise!

Mistress Cereza: AHHH! YES! This is the one I've been waiting for! I'm so glad it finally got picked!

James: I had a feeling you'd like this one more than usual. It's practically autobiographical.

Mistress Cereza: Yes, I got that feeling. Along with a certain tingling feeling, below. I'm going to enjoy reading this one many times. :->

James: I'm glad, Mistress. Enjoy, folks!

Mistress Cereza: We'll be back soon. Still lots to do this month!




You know this is honestly one of my favorite quickies so far. It shows a side of domination outside of dangerous fantasy and I'm kinda happy to see it.


Mistress Cereza: I agree. It's nice to have stories with romance and genuine affection to go with the rougher content. ❤️