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James: Hey gang. We're back with our first update of the month.

Mistress Cereza: Hello, my dears. I hope your heat and humidity haven't been as brutal as ours, recently.

James: Yeah, it's been ugly, but thanks to the power of air conditioning, I push onward cranking out the juicy smut! As mentioned previously, you can expect two Quickies next.

Mistress Cereza: And after that?

James: There's still a day left to vote, but it looks like Transcendent is going to win the story poll. I'm looking forward to writing chapter five.

Mistress Cereza: Not as much as I'm looking forward to reading it. Which reminds me, why no update on Cosplay Cumdump yet?

James: I'm waiting on the commissioner to get back to me. As soon as he does, I'll edit it and the version 2 will go up.

Mistress Cereza: Ah, I see. I have no idea what I'm doing for Mistress Speaks this month, but I'm sure something will bubble to the surface soon.

James: I have no doubt you'll find something interesting to opine on. Your posts are always well thought out and engaging, my love.

Mistress Cereza: Thank you, my naughty Cheshire. :)

 James: My pleasure, Mistress. We'll be back soon with one new Quickie after the other. Stay cool, squad!

Mistress Cereza: Ta ta for now.


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