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The Problem With Prison School

  • Seen Prison School! Loved it! 3
  • Seen it. Meh. 10
  • Haven't seen Prison School, but I will now! 2
  • Haven't seen it. Pass. 4
  • 2022-07-17
  • 19 votes
{'title': 'The Problem With Prison School', 'choices': [{'text': 'Seen Prison School! Loved it!', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Seen it. Meh.', 'votes': 10}, {'text': "Haven't seen Prison School, but I will now!", 'votes': 2}, {'text': "Haven't seen it. Pass.", 'votes': 4}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 7, 17, 20, 36, 50, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 19}


Hello my darling Dommes and slutty submissives!

I hope the summer is treating you well thus far. Before we jump into my review of Prison School, let's briefly go over the last couple polls!

In the first Femdom poll of the year, Rebecca of Enslaved By Sorority Sluts emerged victorious with 11 votes. I'm always impressed with how well she does despite being one of the most ruthless and sadistic Dommes James writes. Right behind her, with 10 votes was Madeline from Fast Times At Eden S&M. Not bad for a minor character who's only been in one scene so far! I guess a fair number of you are dying for a golden shower? Anastasia / Athena of Athena Corp Chronicles and Elizabeth of Long Is The Way tied for third with 8 votes each. Very nice!

Now to go over the poll on my last Mistress Speaks: "When Women Rule The Earth." The most popular choice, by far, was: "More women embracing domination and more men embracing submission would lead to a better society" with 14 votes. Also receiving 10+ votes were: "I don't know if Matriarchy would be better than patriarchy, but after thousands of years of the latter, women deserve their turn" and "If women had more economic and political power on a global scale, the world would be a better place."

The rest of the options ranged from 2-9 votes each. It seems many of you are on the same page with me, at least to some degree. I appreciate that, my lovelies.

On to the review...

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKrVSLoSYmM

There's no gentle way to put this, so I'm just going to state the unfortunate reality at the offset. By the time the credits of the last episode rolled, Prison School was a bit of a disappointment. James and I readily agreed on that point.

Does that mean it has no merit? Not at all. It's very funny and fresh for its first 4-5 episodes and even after the novelty of the ridiculous scenario starts to wear off, it still surprises you and makes you laugh with semi regularity. The main problems are the thin premise wears out the longer the series goes on and the Femdom characters take a turn into outright psychosis and misandry. Before I explain how that happens, let me briefly recap the plot for anyone who didn't see my earlier mentions of this series.

Basically, a formerly all-girls private high school decides to go co-ed and five boys are enrolled for the first year. The boys immediately go full horndog with bad behavior and attempt to peep on the girls. They're caught by the mysterious "Underground Student Council" (USC) and thrown into the school's prison. Why does a private high school have a prison? Not important. It's a conceit of the show.

The USC is composed of Mari "The Crow" Kurihara, president of the council who can literally summon crows like a witch, Meiko Shiraki, the well-endowed arch Dominatrix enforcer and Hana Midorikawa, an innocent looking girl who can't wait to use her karate skills to bust a guy's balls. In the early episodes, the presentation of all of this is lighthearted and hilarious.

Mari doesn't do much but come up with strategies for disciplining the boys and orders the other two around. Meiko whips the guys up and down, forcing them do to prison labor and engaging in all kinds of "accidental" Femdom play from spitting and facesitting to jabbing her heel in a guy's rectum. Hana punches, kicks and throws the guys around in ridiculous fashion with gushes of blood and broken teeth spraying everywhere. It would be horrifying if the boys didn't look fine 10 seconds after each time it happens. So it's understood that this is all being done in intentionally over-the-top fashion and the long term consequences are non-existent.

Of the five male characters, Kiyoshi is the only one who doesn't seem to enjoy these ferocious Femdoms. He just wants to date the cute girl-next-door "Chiyo" he meets in the first episode. Andre loves taking Meiko's beatings (a genuine submissive / Femdom addict) and the other three guys don't love the Femdom discipline, but they'll take it as long as they can get close to some boobs and butts.

This is all very silly, charming and amusing at first, but the one-trick-pony starts to lose its luster after a while. Then the series has to rely on its plot and evolving narrative and that's where things start to fall apart. Basically, it becomes clear that the girls of the USC (especially Mari) just want the boys gone from the school. Mari resents her father (the chairman of the school) for being a shameless perv and she projects this displeasure onto all males. She convinces Meiko and Hana to join her in hatching plots that will try to get the boys expelled and the school returned to an all girls academy.

So, the rest of the series turns into a series of schemes and heists where the USC is trying to frame the boys and they're trying to survive these plots and assert their innocence. There are some romantic subplots and infighting to spice things up, but they're barely worth mentioning.


By the final episode, the girls of the USC have each reached new levels of psychotic girl boss. Hana, espeically, has lost her mind due to some previous embarrassments she's suffered at the hands of Kiyoshi. She can't reconile her anger with the fact that she also seems to have a crush on him.

In the end, the USC's schemes fail. With the help of a couple girls on campus who aren't batshit crazy misandrists who think all males are irredeemable and icky, the boys prove to the chairman that the USC has been trying to frame them and the guys are freed. In the epilogue of season 1, Mari, Meiko and Hana are all given striped prison uniforms and sent to the same jail that had been previously housing the guys.

Not only did this ending leave a bad taste in my mouth, because there's so many better ways a fun, Femdom tale could've evolved, but what's the incentive for season two? If you're into Femdom, and this is one of the few decent ecchi series that's ever had a Femdom flavor to it, why would you want a season two where the main female characters are imprisoned? It's strongly implied that they're next in line for some rough treatment. I don't know about you, but I have zero interest in that.

It probably sounds like I hate the series now, but I don't want to leave that impression. It's worth watching, but it's first half is way more fun than its second. It becomes a more standard coming-of-age "pull together and overcome obstacles" story for the guys as it evolves. The hilarious Femdom bits give way to more typical gawking at the female characters that could be found in just about any ecchi series. Basically, it loses its edge. And by the end, the dominant women are shown to be unworthy of their authority before being stripped of it. Ultimately, it was a very fun and promising setup with an ending I didn't like at all.


For those reasons I can only give Prison School a 3 out of 5. Still, I'll reiterate that it's funny throughout and one of the few anime series that puts Femdom front and center. If you search for reviews anywhere online, you'll find most people love it. I can hardly expect the naughty sluts watching it to be as strict and exacting as yours truly.

If you're interested in seeing it, you can stream it on CrunchyRoll and Funimation, or buy the complete Season 1 cheaply on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Prison-School-Austin-Tindle-Strait/dp/B07FQ321FZ/

Well, I think I've gone on for long enough. We'll have another poll soon to decide the next Femdom film I watch and review. For now, register your thoughts on Prison School below.

James is working on the next chapter of Athena Corp Chronicles as we speak, so be on the lookout for that soon. Until next time, my cheeky cherubs!

Yours Truly,

Mistress Cereza



Haven't seen it, but heard the manga is good, other than it sort of just ending.


I hate the anime because the girls are fucking pyschos. Especially Hana. Meiko and Mari just hate men and that hatred influences their decisions. The manga ends horribly because Mari's sister turns into her sister personality wise. To be honest, it makes me laugh at times but most of the time- Im like WTF.


Mistress Cereza: I haven't read the manga, so I can only go by what I saw in the anime series. Only Mari struck me as a true man hater. I think Meiko is a sado-masochist with a heavy Domme lean who doesn't fully understand her desires yet. Though, since the show doesn't take itself very seriously, it's probably not worth digging too deep.