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When Women Rule The Earth

  • Women are better suited for leadership positions than men, on average. 2
  • More women embracing domination and more men embracing submission would lead to a better society. 6
  • Women should rule the household with absolute authority. 1
  • If women had more economic and political power on a global scale, the world would be a better place. 8
  • Dominant women and submissive men should organize to encourage this change and make the Femdom future a reality. 4
  • I don't know if Matriarchy would be better than patriarchy, but after thousands of years of the latter, women deserve their turn. 8
  • My interest in Matriarchy is purely sexual / fantasy. I don't know that I'd want to see it in real life. 4
  • Even if it ended in total disaster, I want to live in a BDSM themed Femdom Matriarchy because it would be HOT! 5
  • 2022-06-18
  • 38 votes
{'title': 'When Women Rule The Earth', 'choices': [{'text': 'Women are better suited for leadership positions than men, on average.', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'More women embracing domination and more men embracing submission would lead to a better society.', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'Women should rule the household with absolute authority.', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'If women had more economic and political power on a global scale, the world would be a better place.', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'Dominant women and submissive men should organize to encourage this change and make the Femdom future a reality.', 'votes': 4}, {'text': "I don't know if Matriarchy would be better than patriarchy, but after thousands of years of the latter, women deserve their turn.", 'votes': 8}, {'text': "My interest in Matriarchy is purely sexual / fantasy. I don't know that I'd want to see it in real life.", 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Even if it ended in total disaster, I want to live in a BDSM themed Femdom Matriarchy because it would be HOT!', 'votes': 5}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 6, 18, 21, 3, 24, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 38}


Hello my dears!

I hope your summer is off to a good start! James and I certainly started ours right with the trip we took. Unfortunately, the place we stayed at didn't have access to a working blu-ray player as we thought it would. Though, perhaps it wouldn't have mattered. We were busy with other activities for most of our vacation. As a result, we're still finishing up Prison School, so the review will have to wait for next month. That's ok, since there's lots of other things to talk about!

First, let's take a look at last month's Futadom poll. This one was close! We had three characters standing head and shoulders above the rest. After totaling all the votes from Patreon and SS, Angelica from Fast Times and Eden S&M was the one who revved your engine the hardest, eeking out a win by one vote. Hot on her heels was Jasmine of Humbled. Just behind them was Asha of Biblical Proportions. All of James' non-commission characters lagged behind those three to varying degrees. Hah! I'll have to rub that in his face, later.

You naughty sluts certainly do enjoy your authoritarian Dommes and borderline crazy non-con Futa Mistresses. That's good! It means you're ready to accept your place in the world. Which leads me to today's topic... Matriarchy!

We all know the classic fantasy of what a matriarchy looks like. A tribe of Amazons living in some vast jungle who capture men and bring them home in shackles to be used only as servants and toys for mating. Wonder Woman and the island of Themyscira is another example, though that one divorces itself from the world of men entirely.

What about real world examples? There are many tribal societies, to this day, that represent something approaching a matriarchy, at least on the surface. However, most of them are located in Asia or South America and they tend to be small and isolated. Furthermore, even in these conclaves, not all political and economic power always rests in women's hands. Their authority generally doesn't extend beyond the family, though there are exceptions. It would be more accurate to say that most of these societies are primarily matrilineal rather than matriarchal. There has never been some massive empire, led by women, imposing their will upon the world.

So what would an actual matriarchy look like? That's the thing. We really don't know. So long have men dominated the landscape that it can be difficult to imagine such a thing outside of horny BDSM fever dreams. Yet, I believe we should embrace those dreams. It might be that sexually bringing men to heel is our best shot at a better world.

The central question, when taken seriously, leads to many others. Is such a world possible without women embracing the ruthless, exploitative and acquisitive traits that have kept men in leadership roles for so long? Is it feasible to retain core virtues of nurturing, empathy and temperance while the weight of the world falls on your shoulders? Can the "fairer" sex remain fair and dominate without falling into complacency and corruption over time?

I believe such a thing would be difficult, but not impossible, and modern women are better positioned to tackle the challenges of the future than men. Men have certainly had long enough to prove that they could and, by any metric, I think it's fair to say they've failed miserably. Just have a look at the state of our world. When was the last time it wasn't a complete mess?

Now, to weigh your views on this topic... I'm going to put a list of statements in this month's poll and I want you to vote for each one that you agree with. Let's see if you and I are on the same page, hmmm?

Thanks for reading my monthly musings! James tells me your next story will be along soon. Until next time, take care my cheeky cherubs!

Yours Truly,

Mistress Cereza



I rather have it as a fantasy. The world has come a long way. We have given women rights, ended slavery, and have survived through war and disease. Men and women were made to be equal. There are different countries with different religions and ideals on how people should treat others. Everyone is different and makes their own decisions on how they should live their lives. Good or bad. Men and women both are capable of doing terrible things. Everyone has a dark side. The world will never be perfect and that is the reality.


Mistress Cereza: I can certainly appreciate that perspective. Egalitarianism is a noble goal and you're right that perfection isn't a reasonable standard. But I stand by the idea that the world would benefit greatly from having the power dynamic flipped. There is a fundamental imbalance that must be overridden. A catharsis that must be reached. It may be that we never get to a fully egalitarian society until we go through that correction.


i would love to see a world that shared the dynamic, such as having both patriarchal and matriarchal societies, using the amazon from the myths where they had a kingdom but were driven out of it, imagine if it survived the test of time and the waring of nations to spread the idea of a matriarchy to other parts of the world or given other nations the push to be matriarchal or be more equal in who inherits the throne instead of it being only the son